Dec 13, 2012

The little things of Arabia

The Potato Chips:
The best ones I have ever had. Right from the texture and flavour to the price and amount, they are wonderful!

Diary Milk Silk:
Probably the only thing cheaper in UAE as compared to India. Although the trade name here is not "silk" and just Dairy Milk, it is exactly the same thing! You get one for 5 Dirhams (about ₹ 75), which is available for over 100 bucks in India.

The Flyovers:
Finishing is one thing the Arabs pay special attention to. They have essentially copied the western style of architecture, and have got everything perfectly. The paint under the flyovers in UAE is perhaps of far superior nature as compared to homes in India.

The Greenery:
You think UAE is a desert? Think again. You hardly see sand inside a city- such is their maintenance. The system of irrigation in automated, and costs millions, if not more. However, this shows that the trees are high up the priority list!

The TV Channels:
Over a thousand channels right from Indian to Russian ones, but not one which is significant. Yes, you have Fox and CBC, but they don't do much good dubbed in Arabic.

The Internet:
Those who crib about the internet in India, think again. Here, you have super costly internet for low to moderate speeds. We have to pay some ₹ 3-4 thousand for 1 GB of data. Hell, I can use up 1 GB in 5 minutes watching full HD videos on Youtube and downloading stuff with IDM! So much for the hype.

The International Roaming:
Incoming calls are charged at ₹ 180 per minute, whereas outgoing (local or international) rates are ₹ 50 per minute. That is Docomo's super plan. Wonder what the operators achieve by doing this. My cell phone is switch on, but only to receive texts.

The Grocery Stores:
There is nothing like MRP in UAE. The same item can be sold for different prices. With so many stores clubbed together, it is actually up to you to to link the cheapest item to the corresponding store.

The Potato Chips:
Yes, they are so perfect that they deserve to be mentioned yet again!

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