
Sep 7, 2013

Flipkart's false promises

Towards the twilight of the last semester, my HTC ChaCha started giving big problems. By the time I was returning home for the vacation, I decided I needed a new cell. My choice- the Galaxy Tab. I just couldn't resist the large screen (and the games that I would play!)

I came to know of Samsung's plan to release the Tab 3, which would be available for order sometime in mid July. So, I decided to wait. Fast forward to July 13th, and I had just won a Samsung Galaxy S4 in a blogging competition (Contest Page | Winning Post). Naturally, the tab ideas took a back seat.

We were told to update our addresses in IndiBlogger by 2nd, so I figured I should get the monster of a device by at least Independence Day. I was wrong, and there was a certain red tape involved. I was asked to provide my ID, age and address proofs. So far, so good. This was 25th August.

My nature is such that I don't rest until the task is done. I didn't do anything until there was confirmation that other bloggers had received their prizes. Numerous tweets, tickets and emails later, I was told IndiBlogger that the order was being processed by some online vendor. The bad part was the communication path.
Me → IndiBlogger → Sponsors → Corporate Gifting Site → Flipkart
On coming to know that it was Flipkart, I knew deep down that there could be unprecedented delays, having read a friend's experience. Although I was lucky enough to never have delivery issues with Flipkart, there were other Flipkart issues that pissed me off.

I finally got the tracking ID from the sponsors so that I could eliminate all the middlemen and talk to Flipkart directly. The Ekart Logistics site showed me the tracking info that left me pissed off. The last information that was logged for the shipment was way back on 1st September, and the status was 'In Transit to the Haridwar Hub.' That was 5th September.

I called them up and they assured me that it would take a maximum of 48 hours for the delivery. Perhaps there were some issues on the way, I thought. I would get it in two days anyways.

Just to make sure, I called them the next day again and the customer representative said I would get it the next day. I asked him, 'Are you sure I will get it tomorrow?' He replied, 'I am sure.' (If you are a Flipkart employee, feel free to check the call logs and recordings)

I got up in the morning hoping I would get it by the end of the day. I saw the Flipkart guy come outside the hostel, call up some people, and leave. Damn it.

On calling up Flipkart again, I got the standard "It would take another 24-48 hours" and "There were some delays". On asking why it has been stuck since 1st September or where exactly the shipment is right now, I got the same answer- "there were some delays". What is the use of putting human beings on the answering machines if a computer can do a better job answering my queries.

I finally asked him, When will I get it?
Can you give me a written confirmation? Maybe send an email.

Perhaps it's better I don't win any more prizes if this is what I have to deal with.

I think there is some conspiracy going on here. I have heard of a lot of cancelled orders in Flipkart because of increase in the price after the orders had been placed. This order was placed when the S4 was priced at 33799. The next day it was over 36k and now the Galaxy S4 would cost you almost 41k in Flipkart. Is there a delay because you are planning to cancel this order too? (N.B. This has happened before.)

If you ask me, I think it's time Flipkart does the right thing. Bring in some transparency. Tell us why the order was cancelled. Tell us what exactly is causing the delays. Let us know where on earth my shipment is because my common sense says it doesn't take a week to travel 200 km? I read an answer of one of the co founders of Flipkart in Quora that said "it hurt... a lot..." to see that customers are not satisfied. I fail to understand what exactly is he doing to make sure such things don't happen?

Flipkart is going down the drain, I tell you. It's no longer the site that revolutionized the Indian market. This is perhaps the last time I would be ordering from Flipkart.

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