
Aug 11, 2013

GSoC Week 8 | Exploring new things

Officially, we are done with two thirds of the GSoC period now. Not bad, huh? Let me tell you what I did this week. We had three things to get over with before starting converting the CSS files to SASS.

The first was, of course, the dropdowns and improved navigation. I made minor changes to make sure every element in the fit well into the menu. I added a separator to make the dropdown look like a menu rather than a single unified area with some links in it.

The next task was to continue the improvement in the system preferences page for the admin. Although, I still have to work on the HTML flipswitches, we decided on one thing. I had already grouped the settings under certain headings. If you look at the Facebook settings, and try to click on 'Edit' for one of the settings, you would see that a new area opens below the setting. That essentially is an accordion, but is just styled differently. We decided that we would change the a11yAccordeon styling for the system preferences page.

The third one was to improve the instructor's page, which, I mentioned earlier, is basically a sea of links! Although the first idea was to do something like Pinterest, we decided Masonry was a better and much more accessible way to go about it. The new code would be pushed soon though.

I also refined some more code from the branches ui_help and ui_search, and in the process used some SASS as an exercise to generate the help.css file that I had created which would be compatible with all themes.

Looking forward to a great final third half of the GSoC (that reminds me the final third in football!)

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