
Dec 8, 2011

My Technical 404s

Considering I have a blog titled 'Transcendental Tech Talk', you'd have to assume I am quite friendly with electronic goods. Well, you'd be very correct if you do so, but such a state has only been achieved after making certain 404's in my life, errors that I have caused me great mental distress but have certainly helped me learn the harsh reality of the gizmo world!

Back in '02, we had a PC with a decent enough configuration (P III 500 Mhz, 128 MB RAM & 20 gigs HD). It belonged to the highly popular HCL Infiniti series, which was quite long lasting. Six years without a scratch (except one issue) was the performance of this PC. So, in '08, when I had to choose a laptop, I unanimously went for a notebook from the 'HCL Leaptop' series. The first year, it ran Vista pretty smoothly, and on the verge of the completion of the warranty period did I notice issues with it. One fine day, it just refused to boot! Well, they changed the motherboard and it was back to normal. Well, not perfectly normal. There were startup issues (trust me, you don't want me to explain), which led to another ten trips to the service center (till they determined what the problem was) and another motherboard replacement, with which my warranty ended. Only then did my actual issues start. The optical drive got worn out pretty soon and dead pixels surrounded my screen like fungus. That was it, a good 35k wasted on a good-for-nothing laptop.

As if that was not enough, my bad luck shifted to my cellphone. After using a Nokia 6681 for 6 years without any problems, I decided to give Nokia the pass as I thought I had had the Symbian OS a bit too much for comfort. This time I went for the Corby Pro, which started giving me nightmares EXACTLY one year after it's purchase. A defective touch screen, followed by an erroneous Qwerty and defective buttons, it had all issues. Even after spending quite a lot on it, it refused to go back to it's original state, so I decided it was time to move on... I wonder why I even went for a Corby Pro over an android then... Now, when I look back at those Corby days, I realize that I overlooked many facts then. For example, it takes a good 2-3 minutes after the startup of the phone for the messages to get functional. Also, messages were stored in the phone memory with a limit of just 1k messages including inbox, sent and other folders. One more issue with it was the missed call alerts. Ask any corby user and you'll know why this missed called thingy is irritating...

If you go back in time, a 12 year old version of me would actually argue that there was no need to update an antivirus, or partition your drive. Well, these are the two exact reasons I lost all my data when a virus affected my PC back when I was in class 8. Only then, did I learn that I had been committing certain blunders that I was not even aware of. Well, I guess that is how you learn the hard way. But the trick is to learn from your mistakes and strike back! Best of luck doing that...

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