
Nov 25, 2011

Kolaveri Kraze- a Kritical look!

My last post was 25 days back, and I was in no mood for any blog post for another 10 days or so. Reason? End terms! However, certain unexpected events have forced my to come out of hibernation and express my views! For those who love this song, lemme remind you I am not quite something you'd like to call a fan, so chances are, by the time you finish reading this, I'd be on your hitlist (just don't throw stones at me, or my facebook wall/timeline, for that matter). Just as a convention, I would use words such as 'this song' and 'it' to refer to a certain something as I don't wanna name it...

There was Munni, there was Shiela, there was Chammak Challo, and now this! People are indeed vella(I do agree I'm quite vella as well, considering I am doing this during my exams)! Ever since it hit the internet about a week ago, it has been an instant hit. Believe me, I have listened to this just once, but the woofers near me have made me listen to it countless more times.

The internet in IIT Roorkee was down from the evening of 19th November for three days. It was pretty quiet then, in fact, a bit too quiet; the lull before the storm... A storm of sound waves containing enough information to blow up the mind of any sane person, unless, of course, you drift away along with that meaningless chatter into utter randomness!

Just go to Youtube, type 'Why' in the search box, and wait for the suggestions. Almost 4 million views in a week is what level of popularity this song has reached. Although this song is practically meaningless, it shows how language is not a barrier for people to connect to songs (well, most people). Add to it the fact that the tune is pretty much simple as well. It's basically the combination of all these and the fragility of the singer that makes it popular, I guess...

A (rather good) friend (no names taken) actually labelled me a stereotype for not liking this song. But then, you have to agree it's actually my choice whether I like something! I remember reading somewhere, "If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing." I am not saying the song is stupid, but then, it was not composed by Mozart either. I just wonder if people have forgotten songs like Hotel California and Paradise City still exist!

Five years from today, I'd like to see when someone listens to this song in loudspeaker, what kind of reaction it starts. I wonder if the fate of this song is gonna be similar to Himesh's songs, which are strict 'No, No' now!

Then, there's the Rajinikanth factor to be considered as well! The singer is apparently his nephew (Oh God, No!) (Update: Not nephew, future son-in-law, check first comment) With so much obsession as to what superpowers this guy has, I wonder if that had any hand in making this song reach this popularity level. Well, whether it continues to remain at that stage is yet to be seen, only time will tell...


  1. I agree with you. I don't like this either.

    By the way, the singer is not Rajnikanth's nephew. He is his future son-in-law.

  2. hmmm... okay, but he's still connected to him... Rajini is doing some magic, it seems :P

  3. An Alliteration of the 'k' sound? Inspired by MORTAL "K"OMBAT? eh? Donny? :P
    Anyway, in my opinion, anything which lures out attention of this magnitude on the internet, would either be SUPER-Stupid stuff (people love stupidity ;) ), e.g., Justin Bieber :/ or some (speculatively) UBER-cool thing, e.g., G+ (sigh)

    And, latter isn't the case here :D

    PS: I failed to post the 1st comment this time!! :/ (Damn it!) :P

  4. Well, I start using alliteration as soon as I feel sarcasm bubbling out of me. I've used a lot of alliteration in my previous posts as well...
