
Sep 6, 2011

An ode to my teachers...

5th September, 2011: I got up at 8, had a super quick breakfast and somehow reached class on time. I came back, had my lunch, went to class again for the practicals... Just a normal day. On this day, there was a time when I used to be really excited to go to school for the celebrations of Teachers' Day... And I do not have enough words to express how much I actually miss it! My Teachers' Day has reduced to just a bunch of phone calls, but I believe all that matters is how we keep it alive in our heart...

Although it's quite a long time since I left KV, I still have a lot of fond memories of my teachers there... The most significant is of B.K.Jha sir, my Math teacher in class 6, but who is still in contact with me. He is one of the very few teachers I have encountered, who left a very strong mark on me. He is the very person who made me focused at the earliest stage and helped me reach my goals! Sir, if you are indeed reading this, I'd like to let you know you're the reason I am where I am now! Also, I'd like to mention Srinivasan sir, who contributed significantly in developing my confidence in writing skills...

Back in '04, I had to take a tough decision: changing schools from KV to DPS, but I certainly have no regrets! It did take me a year to settle down, but then it was a joy ride from there on... P.A.Varman sir turned out to be Jha sir's DPS counterpart for me, I'd say and thank you, for listening to each and every (irritating) doubt of mine... And certainly there was Saoli ma'am, my only Biology teacher who generated an interest of the same in me (and of course improving my handwriting***), and who was never short of words to motivate me, no matter how bad I did (well, not always, did I do much 'bad' though). I will also remember Dahal sir, the most understanding of the class teachers I ever had(and of course, a great Sanskrit teacher), Jenifa ma'am, for making me love English(again!), Suresh sir(can someone gimme his phone no?), for those highly interactive history classes and being the only reason I ever opened the history books, Bichitra sir, for making that awesome mnemonic to remember almost all the elements of periodic table, Iqbal sir, for those great classes, Monisha ma'am, for her music, and last, but certainly not the last, Rupshikha ma'am, for developing my interest in Geography, another reason why I am pursuing Geological Technology here at IIT-R.

*** I got a remark in my notebook- 'Handwriting is horrible' in capitals... After that, all of a sudden, as if by magic, my handwriting became really, really neat! I guess that was exactly the 'motivation' I needed!

In Army School, Khan Sir was my class teacher during my two year stay... His classes and perfection in notes will always stay in my memory, with his helpful tips and great jokes in between serious issues in the classes! Saha Sir, someone whose class was always 'light', thank you for making Math fun (and of course congratulations again, for winning the best teacher award from the President, I'm proud of you, sir...) Swati Ma'am, someone who was always so close to her students, and never stopped supporting them even in the worst circumstances (and even when they were indeed WRONG), she was someone who we could look forward to in case we were in any sort of trouble (and yes, those Chemistry classes, in particular the Inorganic ones, were something I did look forwarded to, something that she always wanted). I can never forget Monmoyuree ma'am, for the fact that still remember stuff she taught, even though my primary concern during that pre-entrance period was PCM (Don't believe me? Read this) I also cherish my time with Bimal Sir, who created my interest in programming...

From ImpaCt Education Centre, thank you Manav Sir, for making me realise my potential(and also making Chemistry my favourite), Jiwan Sir, for sharpening my skills and making me love coordinates, Debanga Sir, for hearing out all my doubts (even now) and clearing them very patiently, Anurag Sir, for those 3 short classes, Taufique Sir, for changing my perspective of looking into Physics(and of course, the shortcuts), Prabhanjan Sir, for making Probability so easy (and explaining 'Smart Work' and of course, the Monty Hall Problem) and last, but certainly not the least, Nath Sir, for those great lectures!

I'd like to conclude with the doha by Kabir Das (above), which holds a teacher above God as it is a teacher who actually tells us who God is! I feel my vocabulary is not enough to express my gratitude towards these souls who have certainly made me into what I am today...


  1. hey shaumik,
    this is so well written. in todays time when everything comes under the "give and take" relationship, this gives we the teachers a fresh breath and a new hope that out of the whole may be a few will set us in their heart and life forever.
    and one more thing, if studying from us was a pleasure for you, teaching you was also a delightful experience for us.
    may God bless you with all the success in your life.
    saoli dutta
